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Tomás Corredor es un director, guionista y fotógrafo colombiano residente en Nairobi. Se inició como Asistente de Dirección en varios cortometrajes y comerciales para tv, y luego como Director en múltiples comerciales de televisión para diferentes compañías y agencias de publicidad en Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala y Kenia. Paralelamente, desde 2002 ha trabajado como profesor de cine en diferentes escuelas y universidades en Colombia. Actualmente trabaja en su primer largometraje 'Noviembre', y acaba de estrenar su cortometraje 'Graceland'. 

Tomás Corredor is a Colombian director, scriptwriter, and photographer based in Nairobi. Beginning his career, he was 1st AD in various short films and tv spots. Since then, he has worked as director of several television commercials, shooting for different companies and advertising agencies in Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Kenya. Parallel to his professional activity, he has also worked as a filmmaking teacher since 2002 at different universities and film schools in Colombia. He is currently working on his first feature film titled November and screening the short film Graceland.

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